The power of communication

History of communication

Simple verbal communication has existed since the evolution of languages. History of communication dates back to 3,300 BC when writing was invented and used for the first time, in Iraq.  After that, there was an evolution of different kinds of writing styles. Egyptians developed hieroglyphic writing in 3,100 BC. Similarly, Greeks developed the phonetic style of writing i.e. the writing from left to right. In 1250 BC, the first ever encyclopaedia was written in Syria.

Where the word communication comes from?

Communication is a Latin word which means ‘to share’. It is the sharing of information between different individuals. It includes the sharing of ideas, concepts, imaginations, behaviors and written content. Communication is simply defined as the transfer of information from one place to another. This transfer of information can be conducted in different ways.

Communication is a simple process, yet showing complexity in some aspects. Different ways of communication and the distances over which one is required to transfer the information make the process complicated.

Communication evaluation path

Communication in the 19th Century

The developments in communication gradually continued to expose people to new and effective ideas and concepts. The beginning of 19th century saw the introduction of several new concepts in the world of communication. It accounts for remarkable inventions including carbon paper and the telegraph. Instead of relay stations, there were developments for laying down the foundation for proper channels that made it possible to communicate across the Atlantic.

By the mid of 19th century, the fax machine was invented. The year 1876 accounts for the incredible invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. This device was different from the previous inventions as it significantly reduced the time required for conveying information over long distances.

Communication in the 20th Century

In the 20th century, there was an evolution which led to the discovery of radio and television broadcasting. Communication was transformed to be conducted through electronic means.

In 1960, communication satellites were introduced. Scientists introduced different techniques to create wonders in communication. Echoes and laser technology were invented to revolutionize communication. Bulky telephones transformed into precisely structured mobile phones. Also, the internet and web services became eminent in the late 19th century.

Modern perspectives of communication

The phenomenon of communication has travelled far from the concept of paper and pen. Now, with the evolution of the internet, almost every electronic and digital device has become a means of communication. Besides computers and mobile phones, from fuelling devices on the petrol pump to the radars, all devices have been transformed to share information.

These devices amazingly carry and deliver information over considerable distances and time lapses. The delivery time for sharing information has almost diminished. One can send and receive the information in a blink of an eye.

How entrepreneurs are integrating their business communications together

Merging communications channels into a single arena

Chances are that your organization uses more than one service to keep in touch with your clients. For instance, business phone systems are still used quite frequently in spite of the fact that they’ve largely been migrated over to some sort of VoIP console these days. Since these services are already connecting to other phones through the Internet, there’s no reason that you can’t hook them up to some sort of dashboard that can then provide updates and metrics to those logged into it.

Using this kind of technology has enabled entrepreneurs to keep a close eye on all of their business communications while also figuring out what kinds of calls have a tendency to take the longest. If one type of service call takes longer than others, then they’ll be able to make adjustments in order to attend to those kinds of calls whenever they come in. At the same time, these dashboards could include services like video conferencing and instant messaging right on the same screen, which may help to encourage the further use of said services.

Managers of smaller startups often find it difficult to switch between different modes of communication, especially if they’re understaffed and have to field most requests personally. By offering these choices on a single dashboard, a professional unified communications platform can eliminate most of the confusion associated with switching between different modes.

As the very definition of what communication is becomes increasingly blurred, some entrepreneurs have also found some other creative applications for this kind of technology.

Redefining what it means to communicate

It used to be that communicating meant sharing messages or ideas between two people. Now, though, it could mean sharing entire documents or books. Is departments working on behalf of independent entrepreneurs will often deploy a nebulous document repository in order to provide a place for people to send these things to one another.

Companies that are growing fast enough to employ a document management system will often need some way to recall documents in a way that’s nearly instantaneous. This is especially true of independent barristers, solicitors and registered agents who often have to consult a document while they’re in a call. Businesspersons who are in this spot don’t want to have to go looking everywhere for some docket or form, so it’s really beneficial to have these documents right next to the same interface that they use for everything else.

To some degree, this is helpful for collaboration as well. Say someone worked in a legal practice alongside several different solicitors. These individuals might find it difficult to stay in touch with everyone on their team, especially if they have to work on a single document together. This is pretty common in the legal field, but you’ll also see it in finance as well as many other disciplines.

By incorporating a document management tool into a communications dashboard, multiple users are free to work on forms together. This can greatly speed up processing of a case while also simultaneously helping to reduce the risk of an error. Streamlining communications can bring in multiple eyeballs to a problem, which increases the number of people on a project who could potentially catch a problem.

Most importantly, however, streamlined unified communication tools help to bring people together, and that’s one of the top ways to succeed in building a business.
