The importance of being VoIP provider.

Why we need VoIP provider companies?

IP telephony came to change ordinary telephony into progressive one.

To understand the difference between traditional international telephony and VoIP telephony, welcoming you to have a glance at simplified telephony schemes:

Here we can see that traditional telephony users needs many intermediary companies (large telecommunications companies). Where do they come from?

Ideally, each person should be able to make call in any corner of the world.  Actually, the “telecom operator” has to make agreement with the companies all over the world to support each call, which is practically impossible.

Telecom operator applies to the superior organization, which may be a more developed telecom operator in its country or a large transnational telecommunications company. As a bounding facility are used telephone cables inside the country, satellite communication, transnational multi-core cables, as well as underwater cables.

This simplified scheme shows almost no intermediaries, but it is not so.  Internet itself does not provide for established contacts between all participants of the telephone market but it replaces expensive, diverse voice transmission systems into a single, universal and inexpensive one.
