VoIP Trends to Highlight Nowadays

The global VoIP market has seen exponential growth over the last 20 years. With continued technological enhancements, government support, and business adoption, the industry shows no signs of slowing down. Even with the uncertainty posed by the pandemic, the rise of remote working will cause the VoIP industry to grow in the coming years. In […]

Business RCS messaging -bumpy ride for the last decade.

The “SMS” its majesty. Bound us to our phones tightly and forever. The sms service provider and RCS is a booming for the last decade and will not loosing its niche for the next decade. Rich Business Messaging has been waiting to replace the outdated and clunky SMS since 2008. But since then, progress has been […]


Communications Platform as a Service: GUIDE Our world is more connected than ever. As our communication platforms evolve, individuals and enterprises are producing and consuming more data than ever before in the history of our species. For businesses looking to thrive in a hyper-digital world, it is absolutely essential to have a robust and efficient communication […]

How Omnichannel Experience Can Level Up Communication for Enterprises

Omnichannel experiences have revolutionized the way enterprises communicate with their customers. Rather than limiting communication to a single channel, such as email or phone, omnichannel experiences allow enterprises to communicate with customers through multiple channels, including social media, SMS, chat, and more. By leveraging omnichannel experiences, enterprises can level up their communication in a number […]

Key Developments in the Telco Sector in 2022 to Report On

Highlighting Telecommunication sector changes and attainments that took place in 2022. The Telco world has enjoyed another busy year and it’s now time to share my top stories of 2022. It has been a tough 12 months: we saw major changes at Vodafone, high-profile 5G launches in India and the US, momentum for e-SIM and […]

Communication Platforms – Critical Role of Messaging in Education

I had quite an extended back and forth with the folks at Rocket.Chat, an open-source communication platform, before agreeing to an interview, hoping to tie down an angle. The firm serves over 12 million customers looking to insert real-time comms into their workflows without exposing sensitive institutional data. Today it has a presence in over 150 […]

Unification, Communication, Interconnection a surge for business transformation

As remarkable as it is, the years 2020-2021 had a tremendous positive impact on the Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) technology. Due to the unprecedented number of businesses going digital, CPaaS has become mainstream. According to a forecast by IDC, the market value of CPaaS is expected to be $10.9 billion in the year […]

The power of communication

History of communication Simple verbal communication has existed since the evolution of languages. History of communication dates back to 3,300 BC when writing was invented and used for the first time, in Iraq.  After that, there was an evolution of different kinds of writing styles. Egyptians developed hieroglyphic writing in 3,100 BC. Similarly, Greeks developed […]

How Is Internet of Things (IoT) Changing Social Media?

Social media is probably the biggest treasure trove of data the world has ever seen. People interact with their friends and family members on it almost constantly. Social networks monetize that data and break it up into various categories, which are then used for marketing purposes.  With the involvement of IoT in social media, that mountain […]

Inside the VoIP, from pre-historic to up to date.

The history of business communication technology holds the answers we seek to where the future of VoIP is heading. Although the centuries do not divulge details, they do share the reasons why technology continues to grow in this area. To recognize why VoIP is the future of business communication, we must take a look back […]