How SMS marketing penetrated into e-commerce and what we have as a result

Ecommerce is growing faster than ever. In 2019, ecommerce generated $3.5 trillion in sales and is expected to hit $4.9 trillion in 2021. While email marketing has long been the ecommerce marketer’s favorite choice for conveying messages, SMS marketing is earning more prominence.  Why? Because it can penetrate through noise better than any other channel.  Imagine your company’s […]

SMS marketing vs email marketing

Let’s explore the benefits and disadvantages of SMS marketing as well as those of email marketing. That way, you can be sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck with every campaign. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at SMS marketing vs. email marketing to see what ROI you can expect from […]

SMS Mobile Marketing Hacks:eCommerce

Understanding how SMS marketing works Similar to how emails work, you can communicate with your subscribers using SMS flows and campaigns. Here is a brief explanation on how both works: 1. Flows Flows are automations that get sent out when an action is triggered. Just like with email, you can set up: Abandoned cart flows […]

Telecoms vs VoIP and SMS Providers: Uniting mission

There are over 900 mobile network operators in the world. Three services help them achieve this: internet data (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G), text messages (SMS), and voice. Voice has traditionally been the focus, and internet data is currently in the limelight. SMS, however, is often distrusted and overlooked – we believe, unfairly so. Something which […]

SMS history as it is!

On December 3rd, 1992, the first SMS message was sent over the  GSM network, the text of the message was “Merry Christmas.” It was a fairly modest start, but it changed technology and even social norms forever! It took a long time for SMS to take on widespread adoption, both because of the cellular networks […]

SMS marketing and eCommerce: Part 2

SMS becomes the most powerful channel SMS marketing has evolved quickly throughout the years. We’ve partnered with brands as they’ve experimented with the channel, learned from their customers, and built their SMS marketing strategies from the ground up. With SMSBump, brands are able to drive revenue quickly by sending hyper-tailored messages to engaged customers. Not […]

SMS marketing and eCommerce: Part 1

Innovation, fast tracked: How did we get here? Consumers are on their phones more than ever. The average person now spends over five hours a day on their phone, and 90% of messages are read within three minutes.  Widespread cultural changes and technological advancements have taken place. Consumers are on their phones more than ever. The average person now spends […]

What are one-time passwords and their pros and cons?

Introduction Security is above all, be it your home or any password in web or app. Learn about two-factor authentication But how vigilant are you when it comes to securing your digital accounts? Do you take steps to create complex passwords? Do you store them in a folder that’s only known to you? Even if […]