Demystifying CPaaS: Transforming A2P Messaging and Redefining Communication

In today’s dynamic business ecosystem, keeping up with communication demands is crucial. Hence, the need for businesses to utilize a communication platform as a service (CPaaS). CPaaS is a cloud-based framework that enables organizations to seamlessly integrate real-time communication capabilities into their existing system, applications, or websites. The beauty of it lies in its customization, […]

Is 2FA Vulnerable to Hacking? Assessing Digital Space Security

Cybercrime trends are continually rising – one study by LexisNexis Risk Solutions reveals a 20% annual increase in the global digital attack rate, driven by an uptick in the e-commerce and financial services industries. Therefore, digital security is paramount, and there are now several advanced forms of protection available for businesses to leverage, including two-factor authentication. But what […]

OTP and Co: “TOTP” “HOTP” Know All the Shape of SMS

Understanding the different types of OTP and where an OTP generator fits in. The Messaging sector is seamlessly enlarging day to day, and we as a sector representatives are eager to share the information corresponding: Providing secure access to applications and cloud-based software is a constant challenge for companies across all industries. Empowering users with […]

Decoding OTT Messaging: Is It Superior to SMS?

Businesses looking to build a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy must utilize all possible channels to reach customers effectively. OTT messaging is one channel that’s gained popularity in recent years for business communication. But what is it? And how does OTT messaging stack up against traditional SMS messaging? Discover the pros and cons of each […]

The Best Working Authentication Types: 2FA, MFA, SSO

Cybersecurity is a major priority for all businesses in today’s digital world. Keeping confidential and sensitive company information and customer data safe from undesirables is a constant struggle as hackers continually find new ways to exploit IT systems. Many authentication and verification methods have arisen from the tech industry in response to this challenge. And they’re suitable […]

SMS vs MMS: The Difference Matters

The most questioning is what is the difference of SMS and MMS, let’s see the professional eye of it. Popular even today, Short Message Service (SMS) is a text-only messaging system that operates using cellular networks and has revolutionized the way we communicate with different audiences. SMS messages allow you to get in touch with anyone, wherever […]

Business RCS messaging -bumpy ride for the last decade.

The “SMS” its majesty. Bound us to our phones tightly and forever. The sms service provider and RCS is a booming for the last decade and will not loosing its niche for the next decade. Rich Business Messaging has been waiting to replace the outdated and clunky SMS since 2008. But since then, progress has been […]

7+ Must-Know SMS Marketing Statistics in 2023

Each year, SMS marketing is proving to be an increasingly viable way to reach your audience and grow your business; compared with the immense cost associated with most other marketing channels.Whether you need a way to automate customer appointments or promote a new product, it’s easy to see why more businesses are utilizing SMS marketing […]

Text vs. email marketing: finding out who’s advanced

When it comes to the showdown between text (SMS) marketing and email marketing, there are many things to consider. Both have their benefits and place in a marketing plan, but when compared, the strengths of SMS marketing are too often overlooked. 96% of Americans own a mobile phone, while 5 billion people in the world are able to send and receive text messages, a number […]

How Omnichannel Experience Can Level Up Communication for Enterprises

Omnichannel experiences have revolutionized the way enterprises communicate with their customers. Rather than limiting communication to a single channel, such as email or phone, omnichannel experiences allow enterprises to communicate with customers through multiple channels, including social media, SMS, chat, and more. By leveraging omnichannel experiences, enterprises can level up their communication in a number […]

Developing a Comprehensive Mobile Marketing Plan for a Business

Mobile phone usage is continually rising. According to recent studies by Zippia, there were around 6.65 billion smartphone users worldwide in 2022 (86% of the global population). And as of 2021, mobile commerce accounted for 73% of the total e-commerce market. People rely on mobile phones for all sorts of activities these days – communication, online […]

How to Elevate Customer Engagement with 2 – way SMS

In this mobile era, mobile phones are a staple of everyday life. We now have unprecedented access to a world of information. A tap of the button allows us to communicate with friends, family and businesses all around the globe, mobile phones are essential for keeping us informed and connected. Analysts at Morgan Stanley declared the […]